Awake and Heal
Holistic and transformative therapy

About me 

 I have always let my curiosity guide me and that has taken me on a lifelong journey of discovering who I am, who we are as humans, how we function and what is really our purpose on this planet.

I started traveling when I was 16 years old, attending a sailing high school where we sailed to six different countries each year. My traveling continued as I moved to Ghana when I was 18 years old, which led me to start my own non-profit organization for a school and orphanage that I'm today 14 years later still running. After that I pursued a bachelor's and a master’s degree in Global studies focusing on development work. It led me to work and live in counties such as Uganda, Jordan and Liberia. In these international contexts I always found myself far out in small villages or in the slum areas, continuously finding groups of women and men to talk to. The biggest lessons and gifts always came from these raw and authentic meetings. Slowly after some years I realized that my gift was in truly meeting people, to fully see them. I began a journey that shifted perspective, focusing on counties, societies and structures, towards zooming in on the individuals and their experiences of life. This zooming in became the way to truly see the larger picture; experiencing how we are all connected, how we create our reality and how we, by changing ourselves, change the world.

 Today, I am a therapist with a wide range of modalities that form my unique way of working in a holistic and transformative way with you. I draw on knowledge from a wide range of experiences after having worked for many years at institutions in Sweden. I've worked together with the health care system, the social services and psychiatric care, focusing on addiction, mental health issues and criminality. I've also worked abroad, in different cultures and with non-governmental organization, with violence and sexual abuse on children. In addition, I  work with somatic- and energy work for private persons, focusing on emotional releases, restoring the nervous system, and expanding their consciousness.

I started my journey as a therapist woking foremost in the cognitive behavior line of therapy, soon seeing for myself how limiting it is to only focus on what we traditionally view as therapy. Therefore, I decided to create my own truly holistic and transformative therapy. For me, holistic and transformative therapy means working on all levels of yourself; your mind, your subconscious, your physical body, your energetic body, your emotional body and your relationships. The relationship between you as a client and me as a therapist is part of the deep healing.


My why: 

To be a part of the journey where the person gets to experience that the darkness they've been carrying inside of them actually is their fertile soil where the most magnificent and unique flower can bloom, if they only get the right circumstances. There is nothing that I love more than the gift of being a part of someone’s journey back to their authentic selves. To see how free, creative, unlimited and fully alive the person becomes when they get to shed all their layers, when they get to be held and heal the world inside that has been deciding how they should live their life from a place of fear and restriction. When one person heals and becomes fully alive instead of only surviving, it creates a ripple effect. Opening up for all the people around you to start their journey. When you arrive back to your authentic self, you also start making choices from your heart instead of from a place of fear. The choice made from the heart will always be for the good of yourself, others, and the planet. This is my why and my mission in life and I am full of gratitude for being able to share this path with you.